Find a brief overview of the fund in the latest factsheet

SproutBridge equity fund

A performance fund for asset growth

Investing in global equities, selecting only the very best opportunities, protection against down markets and a performance-driven approach.

Benefit from the maximum range of opportunities

The largest possible set of return opportunities

Historically, idle capital has been a victim of inflation. The result? Loss of wealth and purchasing power.

Choosing an investment fund can be the solution. Unfortunately, many funds only focus on 2% of the listed companies, while the remaining 98% offer opportunities for higher returns.

Choosing for SproutBridge Equity Fund is a choice for the greatest possible number of return opportunities, with stocks that historically outperform inflation. In addition, stocks have unlimited upside potential, due to underlying value creation and compounding. This way you turn capital evaporation into capital growth and put your capital to work for you, both in business as in private.

SproutBridge Equity Fund

Portfolio optimalization

SproutBridge Equity Fund
SproutBridge Equity Fund - Performance in EUR
Year January February March April May June July August September October November December Cumulative
2024 - - 3.20% -0.20% 1.20% 2.34% 1.41% -0.63% 2.59% 0.83% 5.10% 0.68% 17.65%
2025 tba - - - - - - - - - - - -

Returns in euro, net of fees (excluding subscription fee). Inception SproutBridge Equity Fund (lead series): March 1, 2024. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

General information

Info Table
ISIN NL00150023N0
Currency EUR
Minimum investment €100,000
Subscription Monthly
Fund Manager Rick Boerkamp, CFA, CIPM, FRM

Cost structure

Info Table
Management fee 0.6%
Hurdle rate 6%
Performance fee 33%
High watermark Forever
Subscription fee 0.75% (max 1.5%)

Fund structure

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Depositary AssetCare Bewaarders Services BV
Administrator AssetCare Fundservices BV
Custody Interactive Brokers

Opportunity set

We screen tens of thousands of stocks worldwide simultaneously to find the very best opportunities. Only a select group of stocks pass our strict selection procedures.


Risk reduction

SproutBridge Equity Fund limits risks by spreading the equity portfolio across different sectors, styles, countries and market capitalizations.


Stocks offer the opportunity to reinvest returns. This is how we make even more returns with returns; exponential capital growth through compounding.

The global stock market

Breaking down restrictions

Rick Boerkamp, ​​fund manager of the SproutBridge Equity Fund, has been active in the asset management sector since 2010. Almost every day, Rick encountered the limitations of benchmarks on strategies. In many cases, benchmarks limited the number of investment opportunities. The result? A limited range of opportunities which greatly reduces the possibility of satisfying returns!

SproutBridge Equity Fund was established to provide investors strong returns without the limitations of benchmarks, but with a combination of strategies and a dampening effect in risky markets. Explore our investment opportunities or download the whitepaper.


Discover our tools

We offer a variety of options for further in-depth knowledge of the global stock market and SproutBridge

Fund teaser

Learn more about SproutBridge Equity Fund and its investment strategies.

Learn more about SproutBridge Equity Fund and explore investing in the global stock market. Be informed about our manager, the optimization of returns and
risk management.


Find all information about the SproutBridge fund on one page.

Learn more about the SproutBridge Equity Fund and get an insight into our application form, factsheets, information memorandum, and all other fund documentation on the following page on our SproutBridge website.

Contact us for questions or an introductory meeting.

“Rick is highly reliable, discrete, professional, and has the right expertise. In addition, in contrast to someone at a bank, he is also an investor in the fund so I know he will always go the extra mile because he has a personal interest”

Milan Wielinga referentie
Milan Wielinga
Managing Partner, Park 56

‘Due to his extensive work experience, Rick has developed a broad skill set, built a strong track record, and knows where the opportunities lie. Investing through SproutBridge means, for me, choosing 100% trust, a great option for diversification, and alignment of interest because Rick himself also has a stake in the fund.’

Milan Wielinga referentie
Sander Gras
Finance Director, IT company

Introduction meeting

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